Finance is a gun. Politics knows when to pull the trigger

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin

Finance is a gun. Politics knows when to pull the trigger. – Mario Puzo

Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship. – Benjamin Franklin

A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what – Ifs of life. – Suze Orman

The number one problem in today’s generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy. – Alan Greanspan

You couldn’t advance in a finance department in this country unless you taught that the world was flat. – Warren Buffett

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it. – Bob Hope

Finance is critical. If sufficient investment is made in infrastructure and venture capital is made available, there will be a big improvement in the situation. – Sanjay Kumar

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In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin


The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets. – John D. Rockefeller

The lesson of history is that you do not get a sustained economic recovery as long as the financial system is in crisis. – Ben Bernanke

A budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it. – William Feather

The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket. – Andrew Carnegie

Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip. – John Locke

One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute. – William Feather

Women fake orgasm and men fake finances. – Suze Orman

It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. – Robert Kiyosaki

Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this. – Dave Ramsey

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The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem. – Suze Or man

Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. – Benjamin Franklin

You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure. – Margaret Thatcher

Financial crises are like fireworks; they illuminate the sky even as they go pop. – James Buchan

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